Piotroski Scan

Companies with Piotroski score of 9 which reflects nine criteria used to determine the strength of a firm's financial position. It is based on 3 most important criteria: Profitability, Leverage and operating efficiency. Please read more about it at: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/piotroski-score.asp

by Pratyush

634 results found: Showing page 1 of 26
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S.No. Name CMP Rs. P/E Mar Cap Rs.Cr. Div Yld % NP Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Profit Var % Sales Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Sales Var % ROCE % Piotski Scr
1. Hindustan Hardy 1070.2031.11160.530.231.94133.7319.9220.4427.579.00
2. Gabriel India 420.1030.246034.480.9552.6912.23924.016.8926.729.00
3. Sundaram Brake 1113.8065.41438.230.181.47-48.6083.25-2.4711.369.00
4. Auto.Corp.of Goa 1674.5525.061019.571.194.51-53.89110.71-20.8518.679.00
5. BASF India 4678.7531.6420252.270.32127.94-14.194247.7214.6024.999.00
6. Universal Starch 150.6063.250.00-8.22-1181.5890.93-24.1512.929.00
7. Mangalore Chem. 161.5117.711914.220.9326.38-61.04776.39-44.9516.909.00
8. Bayer Crop Sci. 4892.8537.9421989.492.86136.30-38.851737.607.4433.919.00
9. Plastiblends (I) 213.2316.01554.171.996.711.51184.37-6.4711.109.00
10. Insecticid.India 581.5013.131721.110.5261.6015.70627.21-9.8813.029.00
11. Gillette India 8996.2064.8629318.620.50133.0143.50781.8217.1258.919.00
12. Prakash Industri 157.578.062821.790.7690.391.071076.9021.1410.589.00
13. A B B 6083.3076.37128910.220.39440.4521.682912.165.1630.699.00
14. GE Vernova T&D 1675.20108.6542893.500.12144.62289.081107.7758.7623.149.00
15. Danlaw Tech. 1291.9030.49629.240.004.52-23.6554.088.0540.219.00
S.No. Name CMP Rs. P/E Mar Cap Rs.Cr. Div Yld % NP Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Profit Var % Sales Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Sales Var % ROCE % Piotski Scr
16. ATV Projects 36.9933.30196.480.001.56-7.6917.283.602.599.00
17. Smiths & Founder 6.7666.3068.950.000.36350.003.6353.814.069.00
18. Rapicut Carbides 96.1051.610.00-0.47-370.008.95-42.994.009.00
19. First Custodian 156.109.3723.420.640.605.261.012.0215.729.00
20. Anna Infrastruct 28.10118.6710.680.000.01-97.220.30-68.427.979.00
21. Gemstone Invest. 2.922183.0021.830.000.02-95.450.32-
22. Nagreeka Cap. 35.332.4444.570.004.0590.1414.7852.2132.379.00
23. Panasonic Energy 426.6523.24319.992.074.0416.7668.640.4116.009.00
24. Rishi Techtex 53.1425.0239.280.000.5382.7631.099.908.649.00
25. Innovative Tech 29.9626.1967.310.001.5520.1635.36-4.309.729.00

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