Piotroski score

Piotroski score

by Sudarshan

9 results found: Showing page 1 of 1
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S.No. Name CMP Rs. P/E Mar Cap Rs.Cr. Div Yld % NP Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Profit Var % Sales Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Sales Var % ROCE % Piotski Scr
1. Kothari Petroche 187.3516.831102.490.9316.33-11.92180.5911.7941.328.00
2. Sharda Motor 1916.8518.035699.110.5278.93-0.10711.29-6.7339.328.00
3. Nucleus Soft. 1050.0517.942811.331.1933.06-25.86202.20-1.4931.988.00
4. Mah. Seamless 641.0010.198588.861.56220.16-12.131291.81-15.8522.928.00
5. Mayur Uniquoters 591.8018.932601.110.5141.4346.03216.3619.1518.758.00
6. Federal-Mogul Go 397.5015.962211.290.0040.7018.94463.714.8816.898.00
7. VLS Finance 377.204.281312.500.4051.10-27.2979.18-5.8614.098.00
8. Den Networks 43.209.402061.610.0051.6513.27249.08-9.957.308.00
9. Sundaram Fin.Hol 302.4011.766716.422.5588.90-2.0029.8622.435.858.00

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Market capitalization > 500 AND Price to earning < 15 AND Return on capital employed > 22%