Coffee Can Scanner - Unofficed

High growth, well-sustained companies to hold for 5 years.

by Amit Ghosh

8 results found: Showing page 1 of 1
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S.No. Name CMP Rs. P/E Mar Cap Rs.Cr. Div Yld % NP Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Profit Var % Sales Qtr Rs.Cr. Qtr Sales Var % ROCE % Sales Var 10Yrs % ROCE 10Yr %
1. Key Corp 289.002.29173.400.005.86107.806.07101.6657.2532.6819.91
2. Global Education 69.5512.03354.022.8810.46-2.6123.392.3654.6040.4447.96
3. Pulz Electronics 67.6016.40147.420.004.8020.9911.3543.4117.5826.69
4. Party Cruisers 126.5018.04142.160.002.1229.8752.7130.0721.5024.81
5. Galaxy Bearings 1026.5016.98326.430.004.7312.6235.948.1627.6910.8223.40
6. Par Drugs & Che. 198.5213.37244.270.008.6075.8734.6633.8725.0013.3716.53
7. B & A Packaging 330.4513.77163.900.612.99-33.5635.850.9320.3812.5424.79
8. Panch.Organics 193.2017.85254.481.663.792.7127.1814.6416.8810.4519.43

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Market capitalization > 500 AND Price to earning < 15 AND Return on capital employed > 22%